Find a talking circle

Connect with like minded people and find your tribe.

Below you will find talking circles listed by region in the UK and beyond.

All of those listed have done some from of training with Tessa and Julia, but we do not supervise or check the talking circles in any way. Please speak to the individual facilitator to see if it is a good fit for you and to check dates and timings. ‘Circle Holding’ do not hold any additional details than listed below.

Tessa & Julia’s circles

Tessa runs an in person monthly women’s circle on Mondays 7.30-9.30pm and monthly pregnancy/ postnatal circle on Wednesdays 10-11.30am, both in Caversham, Berkshire

Tessa also runs one-off mother and daughter circles on changing bodies, periods and puberty

Julia integrates circle holding into her yoga classes and runs a variety of circles, and circle training courses at her studio in Finchley

Julia also hosts regular listening skills workshops where you can practice your listening skills and find a listening partner. You can join these here

Talking circles in the UK

Central England

Women’s monthly circle in Bassetlaw, Nottinghamshire - Kay Hudson - kayhudsonyoga

Southern England

Coming soon

South West

Coming soon

International talking circles

NB All talking circles listed below are facilitated by people who have attended one of our trainings, but we do not check each circle. Please speak to the individual facilitator before attending to see if it’s a good fit for you.


Mother & daughter circles - Csilla Dulácska -


Coming soon


Coming soon